Only 32% of Americans have a college degree. A college degree today is the educational equivalent of a high school diploma of 30 years ago”, with some exceptions (those few families who can afford a high quality private college preparatory high school education for their kids). High schools are producing a ‘poor graduate product’. This also applies to some parochial and private schools.

If the above statements are true and apply to the vast majority of people then it really means that only 32% of Americans today have achieved the educational attainment of those who earned a High School Diploma 30 years ago.

So what happened during those 30 or so years?

1) Information has increased. There has been an explosion of knowledge, especially in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. But also in the humanities to some extent. We have also realized that there is a lot we haven’t taught our children that we should be teaching. For example, students who do not meet the requirements or lag behind are promoted along with those who do. We need to do a better job of identifying those students early so as to provide more remedial instruction, in order to stop this pernicious practice. Its creating an underclass of what I call ‘functional illiterates.’

2) College tuitions have become unaffordable for most lower and middle income families. Unless, of course, students enter into debt. Debt that will hobble their future success.

3) Based on #2 there is a financial incentive to skip college. Those who skip college to learn a craft or a trade can earn just as much or more than a recent college graduate with virtually no debt. But they are not ‘educationally well rounded’ individuals.

What are the solutions? Here’s just a few:

A- DO NOT DEFUND PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION: On the contrary, provide better incentives — more funding for elementary and secondary schools to expand curricula, attract better teachers, particularly in low and middle income areas.

B- PAY TEACHERS: what their worth in today’s dollars (in my opinion— at least $100,000.00 with potential to earn more based on fulfilling Masters degrees or continuing education requirements.

C – ELIMINATE TENURE: (Its an outdated practice and serves as a disincentive to continuing medical education.

D – Provide incentives for students to add 2 more years to their ‘high school’ education (i.e. free 2 year tuition at a community college?). Make a 4 year College education more affordable.

Finally, we must learn to think about education not as just any other expense but as a critical investment in the future success of our children and our Society.

The ‘Eyes’ have it: World War Intel.

Thomas Friedman in his opinion piece today (April 3, 2022) in the New York Times calls the war in Ukraine, “World War Wired”. Because the internet/social media has made it so that the entire ‘wired’ world is watching. As a result, global public opinion has turned vehemently against Putin’s war in Ukraine. This development is unprecedented, hence Friedman’s title, ‘The First Real World War’. But is this why Putin is losing the war? I don’t think so.

The attached AP article tells us why Ukraine will inevitably become the winner in this war. It is mostly likely due to shared classified intelligence moving from West to East and around the world. As such, I would call this war, ‘World War Intel’. Because for the first time in history classified battlefield intelligence is being collected and analyzed by the ‘5-eyes Alliance’ (U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) and shared with the Ukrainian military. Other types of classified intelligence is being shared publicly to undermine Putin’s plans snd demoralize Russian troops on the ground in Ukraine.

The unlikely and resounding Ukrainian military success on the battlefield could not have happened without the sharing of highly classified real-time satellite surveillance and signals (communications) intelligence information on the exact locations, number and types of armored vehicles (tanks), troop numbers and activities of Russian forces — on a daily basis by NATO and its allies with Ukrainian military leadership who, to their credit, have deftly put that information to good use in their defense.

An excerpt:

“Mark Galeotti, a Russia expert at University College London, agreed that the very public intelligence campaign “reflects the fact that we now live in a different age, politically and internationally. And this is a different kind of war.”

Although the war on the ground is being won by Ukraine, Putin’s cowardly air campaign is increasingly targeting civilians and is also aimed at turning Ukrainian infrastructure into rubble. This is why Zelenskyy is desperately and constantly seeking further air defense assistance to counter the Russian air attack. We must add this last critical strategic element to this war.