Biden won the 2020 Presidential election, fair and square. This fact has now been certified by every electoral office in the land. There has been no evidence of election fraud presented in court sufficient to convince a single judge in over 50 cases. But despite lack of evidence of election fraud Trump and his Republican supporters in government insist he won. Trump is determined to remain in office at all costs. Many Republican law makers have joined him in this effort to steal the election.
Trump and his allies in Congress understand that a lie repeated 10,000 times, especially by so-called ‘reputable’ elected government officials like Senators Hawley et al, creates the ‘illusion of truth’. Many voters in Georgia now have been deceived into believing this lie and are even refusing to cast their votes in the Senatorial run off election. So no amount of truth to the contrary will now stop this big lie campaign. It has assumed a life of its own. It has become a conspiratorial juggernaut.
Trump’s ‘big lie’ about the 2020 election is carefully calculated to attempt to reverse a Trump loss. Senators who are complicit in this big lie don’t believe they will pay a price for misleading their constituents. Because the big lie has now become a ‘grassroots’ mainstream conspiracy theory. It has been widely accepted as truth by the Republican base. A base of voters that for the first time in minority Republican Party history, is comprised of HALF OF THE ELECTORATE.
Republican politicians who have no scruples know they have A LOT TO GAIN and NOTHING TO LOSE by joining in this greatest of all deliberate deceptions. Trump’s big lie has so far made lots of money. At last count, the Trump campaign has earned $200 MILLION! Republican politicians want a piece of that action.
Folks, there is NOTHING corrupt politicians care more about in our legally corrupt campaign system, than raising lots of $$$$$ to fund their re-elections, big lie or not.